[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: dev_todo:pupland
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Mon Aug 14 07:18:38 CDT 2006
A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:
Date : 2006/08/14 07:18
User : lalomartins
Edit Summary: braindump about naming
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
- [[user:lalomartins|Lalo]] is working on a Bigworld version of Pupland.
Here's a rough status report:
+ [[user:lalomartins|Lalo]] is working on a Bigworld version of Pupland.
+ ====== Status of the mapping work ======
* The work is accessible as a CVS branch. You can see it by doing ''c
vs up -r lalo-pupland'' on your ''maps-bigworld'' checkout.
- * Weather **will break** above a certain level (I haven't tested which
one). That's because these maps make the world non-rectangular; the weat
her code should probably be changed to assume empty, plain ocean on missin
g tiles. See also [[dev_todo:fix_weather]]. It has also been discussed t
hat it would probably be nice for the weather system to change its idea of
"poles", since even if Bigworld is a planet as we understand it, the area
we have mapped is not the whole planet (in fact the Scorn/Navar continent
hardly qualifies as a continent -- it's roughly the size of one of the is
lands that make up Hawaii)
+ * Weather **will break** above a certain level (I haven't tested which
one). That's because these maps make the world non-rectangular; the weat
her code should probably be changed to assume empty, plain ocean on missin
g tiles. See also [[dev_todo:fix_weather]]. It has also been discussed t
hat it would probably be nice for the weather system to change its idea of
"poles", since even if Bigworld is a planet as we understand it, the area
we have mapped is not the whole planet (in fact the Scorn/Navar continent
hardly qualifies as a continent -- it's roughly the size of one of the is
lands that make up Hawaii). Note that without that change, Lone Town will
be a **very** cold place :-) not that that's a bad thing, might be reason
able (at least gives a reason for being "lone")
* Nurnberg is basically ready; Castle Eureca, Kurte, the huts, barbari
an ruins, tower of ordeal, cave pass, and rebel port are linked (in but no
t out). There are still some maps from the Pupland quest to link: power p
lant, research facility, army camp. Lone Town is placed, but empty (build
ings need to be copy-pasted in place). The big port was promoted into its
own town -- for the lack of a better name, "port Pupland". (So all you p
ort-loving map makers, here's an entire new port for you to play with.)
* Rainbow Islands aren't even started yet, which is funny, because I r
emember moving Red Town. Guess I didn't like the result and reverted it.
If you want to see where it's going to be, follow the brick road to the s
outhernmost end with a dm; you'll get to the lighttower. Fly southwest ov
er sea, you'll get to the bigger island of a cute archipelago; that's Red
Island, and you should be near the site of Red Town. All the way west of
Red Island is a sandy area where the beach will be. On the north there's
a peninsula with a mountain, perfect for the tower. I'll probably only st
art Rainbow Islands once Pupland (continental) is finished, tested, and la
@@ -12,6 +14,44 @@
* Then all exits have to be fixed to point to the new places; the ones
that went to /pup_land/world, /pup_land/lone_town/town, /pup_land/nurnber
g/city and so on have to go to /world/*, the others have to conform to the
new map locations. This is somewhat herculean, but I believe we have a c
ouple of scripts in Info to do just that. I haven't looked into them yet,
but if you want to figure them out, run them, and commit the results to m
y branch, I'll be very grateful. (Bear in mind since the islands aren't d
one yet, you may need to do it again later.)
* And I have to check all pupland maps for changes in the last few mon
ths; since I moved all of them to a different dir, a simple cvs merge won'
t help me integrate changes. Notably, my Nurnberg doesn't have the dragon
hangar :-(
+ * Ancient Pupland is another beast entirely, and not even part of this
project. I've taken care to put things in places and shapes that make An
cient Pupland mostly make sense, but no guarantees. It's arguable whether
we want to redo Ancient Pupland to fit the bigworld scale; even if we do,
though, that's a separate project.
--- //[[user:lalomartins|Lalo Martins]] 2006/08/14 06:07//
+ ====== Naming ======
+ It has been brought to my attention that there's some naming confusion w
ith the whole Pupland thing. Notably, the sign in Lone Town (near the air
lines) says:
+ <file>Island Name : Pup Land
+ Country Name : Shining Kingdom
+ City Name : Lone Town</file>
+ And since I'm putting the region we know as Pupland as the westernmost t
ip of a larger "continent", people have asked me what will things be named
. So here's my take:
+ ==== Pupland ====
+ This historically refers to the westernmost peninsula of the continent,
known as "Old Pupland", where Lone Town is; the next peninsula that connec
ts it to the continent, known as "New Pupland", where you find Castle Eure
ca and the Port; and the gulf between New Pupland and Nurnberg, which pred
ictably enough is "Gulf of Pupland". Note that by this arrangement, Nurnb
erg is **not** in Pupland, strictly speaking; I believe that fits the sto
ry. (This might mean that if we ever redo Ancient Pupland, I'd put Shinin
g Village in a different place, not where Nurnberg is now. I even know wh
ere I'd like it to be.)
+ ==== Shining Kingdom ====
+ That's the kingdom founded by Siegfried and ruled by Eureca. It extends
from Old Pupland in the west to the Shining Wall on the East, from the ba
dlands North of Nurnberg to Violet Island, southernmost of the Rainbow Isl
ands. (It's unclear to me whether Rainbow Islands are part of the kingdom
; they seem rather unaffected by the war. But as a nod to the original de
velopers of Pupland, I'm assuming they are.)
+ Things that come from this kingdom are known as "Shinian"; people are "S
hiniese". They speak "Shinespeak", which for reasons unknown sounds like
a dialect of the Old Empire tongue (as much as the New Imperial spoken in
Scorn and Navar). Shinespeak and New Imperial are mutually intelligible,
with small differences in vocabulary and grammar; so if some Shiniese says
something that sounds funny to you, that's because it's Shinespeak, and n
ot because the original authors of Pupland were Japanese with good but imp
erfect English skills ;-)
+ Some people believe the Shining Kingdom was founded by sailors from the
Old Empire, just like Scorn. Since both Pupland and Scorn are on the West
side of their continents, and more or less aligned on longitude, that con
tributes to the theory that the Old Empire lands were far to the West. It
's likely that the soldiers from the Old Empire conquered first Old Puplan
d, then New Pupland, then the area up to the wall from the monsters that s
eem to be masters of the continent. Shiniese, however, shun this theory;
it doesn't fit with their stories about their mythical hero Siegfried.
+ ==== Rainbow Islands ====
+ The "easy living" part of the Shining Kingdom, south of Pupland. Five l
arger islands give the archipelago its name: Red Island, northernmost and
second largest, has Red Town and the Pup Airlines, connecting the Islands
to the world. Little Orange and secluded Yellow to the East are the favou
rites of the rich and powerful; Green to the south, with its luxurious nat
ure, teems with elves, Gaea worshippers, treasure hunters, and dangerous w
ild animals. Lonely Blue Island, far South of Green Island, is virtually
unexplored. And the largest of them, Violet Island (Southeast of Red, str
aight East of Green), is home to pacific islandfolk, mostly fishermen and
rice planters who keep all the Rainbow population fed.
+ (Yes, six islands. Wikipedia tells me most people are unable to discern
seven colours in a rainbow, and on medieval times it might even have been
+ ==== Monsterland ====
+ That's what Shiniese call the area East of the Shining Wall. It's domin
ated by monsters, which seem more powerful and organised than on most part
s of the world. Only the most powerful heroes were able to walk out of si
ght on this dangerous territory alive, and only three have ever returned.
One of them was Lord Eureca himself on his youth; he didn't say much abou
t what he found, but years later when he was crowned, one of his first act
s was to order the only gap in the wall closed and permanently guarded.
+ ==== Retconia ====
+ This is the name the old scrolls in the Royal Library give to the contin
ent as a whole. They also have maps of all its area, and for reasons unkn
own, Lord Eureca only allows a few trusted scholars to even look at these
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Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo:pupland?rev=1
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo:pupland
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