[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page added: user:cavesomething:arenapoints

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Sun Apr 4 08:45:57 CDT 2010

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2010/04/04 08:45
User        : 
Edit Summary: created

The jumping off point for this is the rating system used for international rugby (similar systems are used elsewhere, but in sports I don't care about...):


To Implement:
Every player has a rating number stored against them, this starts at 40

Also stored is the last update date. This is used to decay ratings if players don't play the game in a while.

Every week, real-time, the rating will move 1.0 points in the direction of 40:
Question: only if they haven't fought the previous week?

This is a raw number, which will be scaled to level.

Scaled rating is

Scaled rating decides the possible points exchanges.

Possible change is +/- 2 raw points depending on the points difference. (As per chart on linked page, but scaled using the lowest level of the two players)

eg: level 5 player A rating 50 takes on a level 10 player B rating 40:

A scaled rating = 50*5/115 = 2.17
B scaled rating = 40*10/115 = 3.47

points exchange over the range 0.43

so, if A wins, he gains 2 raw points, B loses 2 raw points.
If B wins he gains nothing, A loses nothing

level 15 player A rating 60 takes on level 20 player B rating 40

A scaled rating = 60*15/115 = 7.83
B scaled rating = 40*20/115 = 6.95

points exchange over the range 1.30

actual difference in ratings:

if A wins he gains 0.67 raw rating points, B loses 0.67 raw rating points
if B wins he gains 1.33 raw rating points, A loses 1.33 raw rating points 

If a battle is abandoned (disconnect, teleporting away, etc) the player that abandons it forfeits.

Two leaderboards, a scaled and a raw one, the raw one is easier for low level characters to get on to, the scaled one will more accurately reflect strength. (a level 115 player who fought once and lost would probably outrank every level 10 player under this system - a fair reflection of strength, but not an encouragement to fight).

Question: should there be a challenge system, so that fights can be demanded of a player on the leaderboard? How would availability be determined?

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Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:cavesomething:arenapoints

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