[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: user:saru:balance

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Sat Oct 11 20:16:00 CDT 2014

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2014/10/11 20:15
User        : saru
Edit Summary: 

@@ -186,31 +186,27 @@
  ===== Itemisation =====
  Itemisation refers to both how easy items are to find (method of finding equipment) and how powerful items are (based on the properties of the item). These two proporties must be linked carefully such that players receive diverse and interesting items whilst not being overloaded with junk or being able to find too powerful an item too quickly.
  ====Method of finding equipment====
  This section unpacks the current ways in which players can gain access to equipment and proposes an additional step to better identify which methodology a developer intends an item be associated with.
- The current systems for generating equipment can be classified in 3 ways:
- ==Generic==
- Generic items exist in the archetypes are get handed out via monster loot, treasure chests, or placed by random loot generators. Currently these loot tables specify individual items that are included in the drop chance such as broad_sword or buckler. In the case of chests this is a very large loot table. These items can have random enhancement modifiers added to them such as +1 or of Mostrai.
-   - generic monster loot
-   - generic Random Treasure
-   - treasure chests
-   - map placement
- ==Skill granted==
- Skill granted items are obtainable only by meeting specific requirements of the skill such as maximum number of grace points or particular materials to craft from. This equipment should usually be 'god granted' items to avoid farming items out. These items are currently all exactly as specified (no variation)
-   - crafted items
-   - god granted items
- ==Map specific==
- Map specific items are items that have been modified inside a map to grant new features (both positive and negative) to greatly enhance the speed and diversity of map making. These items present the biggest challenge in balance as they are more difficult to track. Some of these items should probably be 'god granted'. These items only vary by how map makers design them (no random variation)
-   - specific map based items
-   - specific monster drop
+ The current systems for generating equipment provides 3 paths for accessing items:
+ ===Generic===
+ Generic items exist in the archetypes and get handed out via archetypal objects as opposed to unique objects created inside a map. This can be through killing monsters, treasure chests, or random loot generators. The loot table of these mechanisms specifies each individual items that is included in the drop chance such as broad_sword(.arc) or buckler(.arc). In the case of chests this has grown to be a very large loot table. Items created using this mechanism can have random enhancement modifiers added to them such as +1 or of Mostrai. Generic items can be accessed by players through:
+   - generic monster treasurelist
+   - generic Random Treasure treasurelist
+   - treasure chests treasurelist
+   - item placed directly into map (such as mithril chainmail in pupland raffles)
+ ===Skill granted===
+ Skill granted items are obtainable only by meeting specific requirements of the skill such as maximum number of grace points or particular materials to craft from. This equipment is often 'god granted' items to avoid players trading these items once they have met the hurdle requirement. These items do not have random modifiers. Skill granted items can be accessed by players through:
+   - crafted items treasurelist
+   - god granted items treasurelist
+ ===Map specific===
+ Map specific items are items that have been modified inside a map to grant new features (both positive and negative) to greatly enhance the speed and diversity of map making. These items present the biggest challenge in balance as they are more difficult to track. Some of these items should probably be 'god granted'. These items only vary by how map makers design them, no random modifiers are used. Map specific items can be accessed by players through:
+   - specific map based items placed into maps (including added to monster drops or inside chests).
  ====Generic monster & random treasure loot====
  Currently the game offers a specific set of items with various likelihoods for each to drop based on the treasurelist of that monster (or chest etc). This approach does allow for interesting diversity in what items players may encounter for some examples but also means that:
    - collecting particular items can be very simple, bonecrushers off Titans for example. 

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:saru:balance?rev=1413075724
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:saru:balance

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