[CF-Devel] Ready_Spell and Ready_Skill menu, PR stats and skill exp values

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Tue Dec 5 22:14:08 CST 2000

      Also, the client should show the player the skill exp/level when changed
      (same like the normal
      exp and level). Also, the main PRs values. Fire, cold, acid, posion, elec,
      magic, slow, paralyze, fear.
 I know it does the protections, as I coded that in.  It will send also send
draw_info messages to the client when the player gains skill levels.

      Perhaps we should show them your attack types too?
 Player doesn't always know what these are (like if using an unidentified
weapon).  Granted, it may not be a lot to give away (for example, even with an
unidentified weapon, it will adjust your other stats and get updated to the


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