[CF-Devel] gx11.c

Pertti Karppinen (OH6KTR) pjka at cc.jyu.fi
Sat Dec 9 12:43:15 CST 2000

client/gx11.c:6526: the use of tmpnam' is dangerous, better use mkstemp'

man tmpnam on debian unstable gives:
       Never use this function. Use tmpfile(3) instead.

Any 'supported platforms' that lacks tmpfile?
We really should get rid of these kind of warnings, if we aim for 1.0.
To really make clean code, one can try to compile on MipsPro compiler on a
sgi system with -fullwarn. 
Somewhere I read that nobody ever uses fullwarn, because it's nearly
impossible to make code without warnings with fullwarn :-)
I can even volunteer to do that if nobody else has access to a sgi system. 

The "Never use this comes ..." part from the fact, that the function is not
completely thread safe, but if a function is deemed depriciated, we perhaps
shouldn't use it?
BSc. Pertti Karppinen <
     pjka at iki.fi
     >                   |'Bridge Players |
Systems Designer, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland    |      Do        |
      | Office  : +358 14 260 2088 |      It        |
HAM: OH6KTR QTH: KP22UF  | Cellular: +358 40 564 0786 | on the Table'  |


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