[CF-Devel] polymorph - worst exploit ever

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Mon Dec 11 22:45:14 CST 2000

Andreas Vogl wrote:
      Mark W. wrote:
      > If we disable polymorph on items, we might as well disable it completely.
      > If the lava slasher is a superior weapon, I would argue it should
      > have a higher value, so you could not transform it from a lesser
      > artifact into that.
      A lava-slasher or a kobold-dagger are surely not worth 5.000.000 or sth.
      But still I want players to solve the appropriate quests to get them.
 I was a bit wrong in how polymorph would check on value of item.  Before, you
could basically polymorph a really expensive item into one of the same of lesser
value.  Also, items can increase in value up to double value (but if greater
than 20,000, you could get the same value)

 In my modifications, the max value for expensive items (>20,000 sp) is 20,000 +
(old value-20000)*2/3

 This can easily be adjusted further downward.  And 20,000 may be too high to be
considered really expensive.

 But i notice the lava slasher has a value of 220,000, so to be able to
polymorph something into it, it would basically have to be work around 310,000
or something (rough approximitation).

 Also, it is unclear whether such polymorph have ever happened, or if it just
seemed like a possiblity from anecdoctal evidence.

      This's a good idea. But please make sure that the success-chance
      of polymorph on monsters also depends on the victim's level. At least
      beyond level 30 chances should be *very very* small - pleease. =)
 Right now, chance of success is only by victim's level, and not a difference. 
It is coded in that anyone over level 20 is immune, and lower levels still get a
saving throw, modified by their resistance to magic.

      Okay, when I remove the few critical artifacts from the arches, or
      maybe set them to very high value, I can live with that.
 I will note that the need for artifacts to be archetypes is reduced some.  At
one point, animations for objects where in the archetype, so if you wanted
something animated, you needed a corresponding arch for it.  Now, you can set
animations at will, as it is in the object.  Granted, the images still need to
be part of the archetypes, but that isn't a big deal.

      If this doesn't work on special monsters (->archname) and past victim-
      level 30 chances run low, acceptable for me.
 I didn't put in a check for monster name, but monsters do get a save, and
anything above level 30 is immune.  If only wands are available and with limited
charges, trying to transform some monsters may be difficult.

 Also, as it was before, multisquare monsters are still immune.  I'm guessing
that originally was the case because trying to find a new multisquare monster of
the same size was fairly difficult (and not a huge number in any case).


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