[CF-Devel] PR-stuff committed

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Wed Dec 13 22:55:54 CST 2000

I have tested my PR-patch again, and since it works well I
commited it to cvs. 

To make my patch more complete and working as a whole,
I had added a few things lately:

o New adjusted resistances for player-races. In general
  less vulnerabilities than before, since they are more
  severe now.

o Cleaned up and enhanced the protection spells: The value
  of granted protection will now slightly increase with skill-
  level, bonus for spellpath-attunement is also included. The
  maximum value a "perfect" player can reach is currently 60%,
  while the typical "startout" value is 20%.
  Note that no more than one spell of the same type can be in
  effect at once. But it is possible to "refresh" it before
  it wears out.

o Damage "fine-tuning": When a player got hit by dam<1 it used to
  be counted zero. To make the calculations more accurate, for
  0<dam<1 I "simulate" a floating point value-effect now. Example:
  If the correct damage value would be 0.4, there is 40% chance
  for dam=1, else dam=0. For 0.7, ther'd be 70% chance for
  dam=1... etc.
  This is absolutely neccessary for having a noticeable difference
  between resistance 95% and 100%. 

o Included new potion with 95% res. for both fire and cold.
  These will be useful, especially for races with fire-vuln.
  per default like wraith and troll. Still, the potions are
  rare and very expensive.

I hope this patch will provide a good and relyable attack-system
for CF. 

Andreas V.


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