[CF-Devel] Re: Info for Gods.

Peter Mardahl peterm at tesla.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Dec 19 14:39:37 CST 2000

      Mark W.wrote:
      > Peter Mardahl wrote:
      > > I'd rather read a book.  Having to coax info out of a priest by
      > > repeating successive keywords seems like pure hoop-jumping to me.
      > I was thinking something similar.  While talking should be used more
      > in the game, the fact remains that the communication with NPC's basically
      > suck, because you need to figure out what keyword they need to continue
      > conversation.  I think this is one of those things for the 2.0 release.
      Call them suckers, I still prefer NPCs over books in most cases. 
      A serious quest without NPCs doesn't seem right to me. Just imagine
      pupland with books lying around in the cities and tavers... books
      instead of NPCs.
I agree you have a point:  NPCs are better for info in many cases,
but sometimes books are better.  This is one of those cases.

Nearly every religion takes itself seriously enough to codify their
teachings into a book.  And Mark's point that books are far easier
to use is a good one.  These holy books are for newbies getting set up,
not for people doing quests.



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