[CF-Devel] throw away xmbs? (yes please)

Jan Echternach echter at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Wed Nov 1 10:13:34 CST 2000

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 02:43:40PM +0100, Andreas Vogl wrote:
      On Mi, 1.11.00, Jan E. wrote:
      > I'm using xbms with caching turned off because this seems to be the
      > fastest setting when playing on a remote server over a slow link.
      I assume that you play only for code-testing, therefor this argument
      doesn´t seem fair to me. =)
I don't test code on remote servers.

      On using xbms a player would miss a great part of the fun. I´ve played
Faster response from the server is more important to me than nice
graphics, but continueing the xbm support is not the right answer to
this problem.  The X11 client does a (superfluous) access() call and a
file open and read per face command.  This means that the first time
you see a Greater Daemon after the client was started, the client will
do 42 disk accesses.  Meeting a Greater Daemon is not exactly the right
time for some additional lag.  This does not happen when caching of
images is turned off, and a xbm image is not much larger than a face
command.  Furthermore, you don't ever get these '?' images without

These problems could be avoided if the client would request all face
number -> face name mappings from the server when it is started.  It
could then load the faces from its local cache before playing begins.



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