---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 11:49:32 +0100 From: Michael Toennies < mtx93 at tzi.de > To: dnh at hawthorn.csse.monash.edu.au Subject: RE: [CF-Devel] PR (Partial resistance) Hi I like the idea very much, because i also think about it. What we really need is a protection value in %, that will also will makes items much for flexible. What we also need, is to show the resistance to the player. I have just finished a litte bar for my client to show the player his resistance factor. What we need for this is, to add a update to the STAT cmd so the client knows then the value. Because at the moment we become a "you feel hot like..." message if a res. value change. We can skip this messages and let the client generate then when needed, so we also safe some cmd and bandwitch with it. Specially if you drink potions and go in heavy fights, you often get killed when your immunities wear of. This is often really annyoing because there comes some physical. If you go in heavy fights, you often gets some lags, makes it impossible to safe you if your hps starts to go down. Also, the "wear off" messages of the potions vanished in the mass of messages you got in the text windows, even if you toggle the message level. Much better will be, if you lose the potion protection in 10 or 5% steps every second, after they wear off! And this can then the player see in the resistance bar. This will be very nice in game play, also for newbies who try out items and potions, they will see the effect. This is also good "game play" because if there is a potion of fire res in real and you hold the finger in a fire, you will find it out very directly. :) MichToen > > Well, I have recently been in contact with Marc(I hope its a c? =}) about > this issue and he has forwarded the Japanese crews patch on it. He tells > me it is old and probably not much use, but I think with this patch there > may be enough context for a good programmer finally start the task. I > think we are going to need a team of at least two programmers who can > handel the server side code (smiles nicely at Jan =)) and one person to > handle balance of items etc. Considering I am currently balancing the gods > I can undertake the later and with alittle luck discussions can start > again. > > PR I believe is the biggest issue facing CF server code, as map > making/item making and monster making all come down to a basic need for > much more complicated levels of resistance, because players get to > powerful for protection to do much at all. The sooner this project can be > undertaken the better for me as I don't want to create any maps until PR > is in due to balance issues. > > To go about it would be basically to follow these steps; > > 1) Implement a working addative resistances system, much like the current > armour is for physical, these resistance systems would do the same just be > based on another "armour" type value > > 2) Implement this code to all resistance types > > 3) Determine values for the current resistance and immunity and write a > quick program to sort through archs and change all to partial (ie prot -> > 33%, Immunity -> 90%) > > 4) Implement this system for monsters, again using a quick program to run > through archs and change defaults. > > 5) Jump up and down and celebrate if working ;) > > 6) Send patch to CVS > > 7) Test very vigorously, will need to take several chars from beginning > to end (110 or so) trying EVERY item and fiddling with a few values to > make some items alittle better or worse, and monsters balanced well also. > > If all that could be achieved I think we will no longer have > warrior/wizard/priest balance issues as warriors will now have a way to > survive that awesome dragon breath, and wizards will have a harder time > killing some monsters that previously would have been easy. > > Can anyone even remotely interested in joining this team, be it for beta > testing/balancing or the coding itself, please mail me. Then once we know > how many people are around, the process can be divided and started. I > can send a copy of the patch to anyone interested also, but I ask not to > start working on it without telling someone (so we don't do the same thing > and waste time) > > I think anyone for their interest in this project and hope it can finally > get off the ground. > > dnh (Darth_bob) > > _______________________________________________ > crossfire-devel mailing list > crossfire-devel at lists.real-time.com > https://mailman.real-time.com/mailman/listinfo/crossfire-devel >