[CF-Devel] New spells implemented in CVS

Peter Mardahl peterm at tesla.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Nov 19 01:40:48 CST 2000

But not available in books:

1) sanctuary
2) holy rage
3) peace
4) forked lightning
5) flaming aura
6) spiderweb

These spells remain to be implemented:

7) conflict
8) vitriol
9) poison fog

Is the God code still handing out "special prayers" by picking
non-book prayers from the spellist with the appropriate spell
path, or did Jan's patch remove that "feature"?

I only want these prayers used in the context of balancing the
Gods, and I'd rather the next release of the code didn't have
these prayers being handed out except as specified in DNH's gods

If the God code still is, then I'll change all these prayers' paths
to PATH_NULL to prevent them being handed out in the next release.
(Unless the next release includes the gods balancing stuff.)



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