[CF-Devel] New prayers in CVS now:

Peter Mardahl peterm at alfven.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Nov 19 19:04:36 CST 2000

PeterM  2000/11/18:
  New spells added:
  1)  Sanctuary   (aura of counterwall)
  2)  Peace	  (make monsters unable to fight)
  3)  Spiderweb   (create spider webs)
  4)  rage	  (heroism, armour, haste, regenration combined)
  5)  forked lightning  (lightning which forks and strikes )
  6)  flaming aura  (aura of fire)
  7)  vitriol     combined ball/cone/pool acid attack spell
  8)  vitriol splash  (spell for internal use only)
  9)  ironwood skin  (clerical version of armour spell)

Not implemented:  10) poison fog:  
I need help with concept.  what is POISON FOG supposed to

Notes:  Sanctuary and flaming aura are implemented as auras,
which are basically inventory items which attack squares surrounding the player.

Peace and spiderweb are the result of a new feature of cone.
If a cone has an "other arch" it will drop "other arch" wherever
the cone goes.  In the case of spiderweb, it drops a spiderweb.
For Peace, it drops a peacemaker object, which attacks the square
it is on.  If the attack is successful, the victim is made
"peaceful"  various peaceful flags are set, dam=0, sp=0,
Pow=0, exp=0.

Forked lighting:  lightning mover modified so that if the
bolt archetype has a Dex, it might split into daughter bolts.
Daughter bolts get 1/2 +1 the parents damage.

Vitriol is a strange new spell.  It is fired like a fireball,
hits like a missile, explodes like a cone, and drops a pool of
acid wherever the cone goes.  The pool also continues to damage.

rage is a possibly-too-powerful prayer which grants all of
heroism (str, dex, con), armour, regeneration, and haste, all
in one go.  Oh, and some weapon class too.

ironwood skin is simply a clerical version of armour.



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