On Tue 21.11.00, Pertti K. wrote: > > I propose to make WoR pointing to the same spot that you > > would visit after death - the last-applied savebed. > > Sounds good. > > [...] > > Disadv.: In future we must be very careful where to put > > savebeds. IF a player manages to get stuck on > > a savebed-map he is in real BIG trouble. > > I see 2 options for this last one. > 1) We make damned sure, that every map with savebed in it > is working 100%. I guess this is the easiest, hence best way to go. I´ve already started by removing savebeds from insecure places. We could go even further and make all savebed-inns no_magic. Moreover, most people will probably stick with the savebeds in their appartments (-> Ideal for supply of food/money/potions). This fixes the problem of possible continuous player-killing very neatly. If one gets PKed, one re-awakes in the apartment. No way to get killed a second time. > 2) Make a new spell, that tranports You to Your chosen God's > 'main' temple. 'religous retreat' or 'houl yearning' or > something like that. Pretty complicated: How to define "God´s temple"? How to choose a main temple? etc Andreas V.