[CF-Devel] bugfix: unique maps

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Thu Nov 23 01:33:48 CST 2000

 I've just checked in a fix for this in CVS.  Basically, I modified enter_exit
to look for a matching per player unique map that is in memory, and if it finds
one, use it. 

Andreas Vogl wrote:

      Here´s how to reproduce it (with current cvs-version):
      - make a new character
      - enter one of the perm. apartments (for the first time)
      - drop some gold to the ground and leave the map
      - re-enter the apartment: the gold is gone (because the
        unique map did not get created in the playerdir yet).
      I´ve already written a bugfix for that problem. It does
      the following:
      Every time a player leaves a unique map, there´s a check
      if that map already exists in the player-dir. If not,
      the unique map will be saved instantly after the player left.
      I´m not sure weither this is really the most efficient
      way to do it, but at least it works fine. I have attached the
      diff file (server/main) for my bugfix, so if someone got
      better ideas please tell me.
      Andreas V.
                         Name: main.c.patch
         main.c.patch    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
                     Encoding: quoted-printable

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