[CF-Devel] server crash..

Peter Mardahl peterm at tesla.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Oct 8 18:30:22 CDT 2000

      okay the server crashes.. I think I have worked it out... it crashes at
      the start of the first map and only that! It is because (I think) it gets
      the next level down stair case confused. If it crashes and you reset
      enough times till you finally get down.. when you get to the stairs at the
      end.. they will just take you to a random location on LEVEL 1. That ALWAYS
      happens... I have never had a crash after I got past level 1.
So, you get into a random map:  it only crashes when you FIRST enter it?
Has anyone else gone in first?  Maybe some interaction with "save tmp maps"
is happening.  I never use tmp maps.  Hate 'em.

      ps, pete perhaps you want to turn down level dif abit for the last few
      maps... the items I have been digging up from there have been shall we say
      scary. I got 4 cloaks of the underworld... every form of gods armour on
      full plate.. you name it... you go far enough on the lord specter quest
      and you will get it =)
Humm, I thought "difficulty" was set by how many monsters were on
the map, nothing else.  I'll have to look into the code.  If what I
think is the case, then you deserve all those artifacts for killing
all the monsters on the map.  There's no particular reason a godly
char shouldn't get really cool stuff.

      Also perhaps the titan quest needs abit of tuning... cyclops and
      gaelotrolls? surely there is more than that? wizards? I would love to see
I could put wizards in:  it's just a matter of stick them in the
style maps.  But I don't want that quest to be too hard.

      these things there to make that one cooler... with the AC and Arm that I
      have.. nothing came close to hurting in that quest.. the only probs I had
Well, *I* had a bitch and a half killing the damned cyclopsen.  Nothing
*I* had in terms of a char could stand toe-to-toe with one and win.  I
had to use a lot of dirty tricks.

If you have too easy a time with them, then go somewhere else.  Not every
quest is intended for absolute rewling people.

      were getting in without a crash.. and trying to find those damn exits that
      had chests neatly placed on them =) kinda stuffs up magic mapping.. not
      sure if that was intentional....
Well, it's "intentional" in that I wrote the code to do EXACTLY that.
Both chests and exit-down are located at natural 'centers' of the map,
rooms which might be guarded by secret or locked doors.  The safest thing
to do was put them on top of each other, since there's no guarantee
that the "center" room is larger than 1 square....



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