[CF-Devel] Stat potions.... Still available in alchemy shops

Peter Mardahl peterm at tesla.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Oct 9 16:10:56 CDT 2000

      I would agree that removing stat potions from alchemy shops would be a
      good idea.  It would certainly force people to try the Gates of Hell
      quest, more! ;)
Now all we have to do is find someone to DO it.  :)

      On a somewhat related note, just how "rare" are stat potions when it comes
      to randomly generated treasure?  
They're not TOO bad.  Upping your stats is quite doable, but it takes
a lot longer than if you can just go buy what you need.  I think it
is more fun.

      Does everyone rely on the Gates quest for the potions or have some
      people been very lucky at finding them in chests and things?
Gates quest?



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