[CF-Devel] Immunities.

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Wed Sep 13 07:53:53 CDT 2000

on Wed, 13 Sep 2000 Pertti Karppinen wrote:
      > I propose to change 1) 2) 5) and 6) into artifacts which are very
      > powerful but which do NOT grant immunities, such as the things in
      > my FireTemple finale map.
      It seems to Me that changing these artifacts to have no immunities
      but to still be desireable is a lot of work. I mean, I don't think
      I would like to meet mr. evil master to get a cloak that didn't give
      magic immunity. Or Eureca without a chance to get white dragon scale 
This is absolutely true. It´s already possible to raise all stats to
30 with the present mapset. As for the current situation, there´s
not much left to make an artifact desireable except for immunities.

As you might already know (from hopefully reading my previous
posts) I would recommend to remove immunities in general, and
to make protections accumulative instead.

But if that doesn´t please to the majority of developers, okay,
there are other ways to balance things out...

I think just removing immunities from the artifacts would only cripple
the quests. Nobody would like to play them anymore. And besides,
temporare and permanent immunity aren´t that much of a difference.
Immune is immune, who cares if it would - in theory - end after a
while? Potions are easy to get, long before one could even reach for
those power-artifacts.

Instead, we could make those artifacts hard to get and impossible to
pass them to other players (startequip 1). And when I say hard to get,
I mean REAL hard. That would require no more than a few map
modifications. There are some dangerous attacktypes left after all...
The only intolerable fact for me is that getting permanent immunities
is such a cakewalk. If one got all the way up to level 110, okay, why
shouldn´t one get the permanent immus after a tough battle? By that
time, you´ll be tired of drinking hundred potions a day. Life will
get a bit easier that´s all.

However, I´d still perefer changing the whole protection/immunity

Andreas V.

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