[CF-Devel] item sorting

Preston Crow crow at bear.cs.dartmouth.edu
Fri Apr 6 11:20:02 CDT 2001

      Actually, its a client issue.  The client deals with all sorting of objects.
      Look at the item_types file and adjust as needed.
The item_types file is correct.  It lists the Katana of Masamune in with
other artifact weapons, but it isn't sorted with them.

As to the treatise of dancing sword, it's matching "sword."  I don't see a
good solution there without having the server pass the item type code.  (I
suppose it could sort on a combination of the name and the icon, but that
gets ugly.)

Oh, it looks like "Passport" should be added near the end, right above
"Port Pass."  Could someone with CVS access do that?



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