[CF-Devel] New food eating

dnh dnh at hawthorn.csse.monash.edu.au
Fri Apr 6 23:33:17 CDT 2001

I have modified apply.c so that you can now eat food no matter how hungry
you are. This is because I got fed up with waybread etc being to hard to
use, you have to wait till it finally reaches 499 before you can eat. 

If you apply any food even at 998 food units you will eat it, although it
would be a waste of food.

I recently discovered a smallish bug with it, by eating food you build
back some hp, now you can use food as healing potions by eating a whole
heap quickly. I am not sure how this should be fixed, and I don't think I
could do it even if I did. Some suggestions?


ps. peterm has also modified food so as the player increases Wisdom
Experience the weight of each food produced by create food is less (by
level 110 I believe waybread only ways 1/6). This may compound my bug.


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