To this issue: The really crazy one thing is, that you CAN store filenames and Directorys in windows9x and higher case intensive lie BlaBla or BLABLA - it will saved and shown on file system. Of course, it handles BLABLA as the same as BlaBla. Bad point is, when someone then save a map as Tower.1 and this can/get commited in this style (i can't see this, but there is 100% a way to do it). Well, there is always a way to make it more complicate... > Andreas Vogl wrote: > > We should make map (and directory) names interpreted non-case-sensitive. > > That way we automatically prevent conflicts. > > interperting them in case insensitive gets trickier on the unix side (the > efficient way to do it would be to read the directory entries and > see if we get > a match, but this certainly adds overhead) > > However, making sure there are no conflicts should be a given > (ie, no two files > should match in name in a case insensitive matter) - in this way, > the files can > be unpacked on a system with case insensitive names and not get anything > clobbered. > > For things like faces, treating them case insensitive would not > be too hard, as > once the archs and relevant face files are generated, we never > have to search > the directory again. > _______________________________________________ > crossfire-devel mailing list > crossfire-devel at > >