[CF-Devel] dnh and I were wrong to put new code in during a freeze. (fwd)

Peter Mardahl peterm at alfven.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Apr 9 19:18:59 CDT 2001

      Peters and dhns food patch are effecting data flow, not mine.

  dnh and I were wrong to put new code in during the code freeze.
Regardless of whether Mark leaves that patch in or not, (his call)
DB AND I WERE WRONG.  (My fault really, I forgot about the freeze.)

Mark might yet decide to toss out DB's and my patch, and he has
the right to do that.

If Mark is to do his job, he has to be able to enforce code-freezes.

We owe Mark a great deal of respect and gratitude for the years of
work he has done as lead maintainer of crossfire, and at the least,
I think we can make an effort to respect his judgement.

That's not to say you should not try to persuade him to make an 
exception and include these patches of yours.

If they are well-tested and have genuine merit and are important for
crossfire 1.0, Mark may change his mind,
*if* you can make arguments Mark finds persuasive.

By all accounts the DX client is cool and a great piece of work
and very useful for the Windows crowd.  I hope that either you
can persuade Mark to include your patches or that you are
OK with waiting for 1.0.1 for these to go in.



      Also, i included a small version cmd patch, which drop out a message when a
      directx client log in to warn about old version.
      Now, Mark removed all this without any reason. Freeze source means to
      include not anything
      which can effect data flow or working functions without reason.
      Of course, this NOT means bug fixes OR additional code which helps. I need
      the version cmd
      part (its nothing more than a strcmp()  and 2 sended drawinfos) to rid of
      the bunch of old
      dx clients which has small bugs are will not help to find bugs.
      Or you really want see the next weeks again and again mails about the non
      animated below item
      Well, however i don't like the style of this. I spend time here to code and
      i don't like to
      be handled like a payed coder. Mark is not my boss and its better not to
      think he is.
      I had yet time to code, this will change in near future. Because i don't
      think my work is welcome
      here, i skip it now. I can better waste my time.
      So, whoever wants work on the windows source, there is minor to do, he can
      contact me.

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