[CF-Devel] Maps in progress can go in maps/unlinked

Peter Mardahl peterm at alfven.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Apr 12 02:17:01 CDT 2001

       I would suggest that maps far from being used/ready get put in something lik
      maps/dev (or maybe an alternate distribution).  This will make it easier to
      include these extra maps from the official distributions, and also keep it
      easier to know what maps are in development and what are ready for playing.  
      don't really want 60 directories in /maps as everyone checks in their maps wh
      are not close to being ready.
Andi Vogl and I have anticipated you a bit.

Maps which are not ready for prime time can go in maps/unlinked
in the CVS.

That is the present home of the greyshield maps, for which we
created the maps/unlinked directory.




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