Just a repeat announcement, anyone who is, or should be on the developers list should send a pic + alittle snippet of their life to me. This will then be put on this website; http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~dnh/roll-call/roll_call.html It is a private page for developers to chuckle at.. People I can think of who still haven't sent anything to me are, * MichToen (yes Mich I haven't forgotten.. ) * Bob Tanner * H. S. Teoh * Philc Thanks for your participation and I hope your chuckles are loud and rawkus, dnh ps. Please send image in a format easily recognised in linux (png/jpg/gif are nice). Snippet of life can be any damn thing you want (try not to be too obsecene Mich) if you can't think of anything read through the page for some ideas.