[CF-Devel] Wall of Thorns map bug

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Mon Apr 23 08:33:36 CDT 2001

      gros wrote:
      > If someone dies on a wall of thorns in the arena, it will be a
      > real death, and not an "arena-death" (-> house of healing). It
      > seems that wall of thorns erases all squares behind it, and 
      > that includes the "arena floor" map markers. Is that bug known
      > and already corrected ?
       no and maybe.
      The problem here is op_on_battleground (which is the key call to
      determine if the player is on a battleground) stops when it finds
      the first floor object.
      Wall of thorns is another floor object.  So player dies,
      op_on_battlground goes through, finds the wall of thorns is a floor,
      and says that space is not a battleground.
      Its a very easy change to modify op_on_battleground to look at
      all objects beneath the player, and hence go through all the
      floor objects.
       Now the comment says:
        /* A battleground-tile needs the following attributes to be valid:
         * is_floor 1 (has to be the FIRST floor beneath the player's feet),
         * name="battleground", no_pick 1, type=58 (type BATTLEGROUND)
         * and the exit-coordinates sp/hp must both be > 0.
         * => The intention here is to prevent abuse of the battleground-
         * feature (like pickable or hidden battleground tiles). */
      So from this comment, it having to be the first floor seems
      intentional, and is in fact emphasized.  Can anyone provide
      illuminatiion why it has to be the first floor object?
Like stated in the comment, the intention was not to allow hidden-
placed battleground tiles. The matter of exp-loss is so important in CF,
a player should always know if it is active or not.
(And I know from past experiences that "rules" must be hardcoded
or mapmakers will always try to break them. ;) )

I certainly didn't know about wall of thorns being of "is_floor 1".
And frankly, that is quite stupid for several reasons:
The is_floor flag should determine the *floor* tile. Thorns are
definitly not floor. That way, thorns will hide all objects below
and they can break teleporters.
We should take out the is_floor from thorns. If that requires code
changes, we do it after 1.0.

To prevent such bugs in future, it also seems wise to make
op_on_battleground cycle through all floor tiles, not to stop at the
first one.

Andreas V.

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