Hi! The feature you are looking for is already implemented. Try "telnet cfserver 13327". Then type "oldsocketmode". You can now issue the commands hiscore, logs, maps, motd, players, version, who. To be allowed to use tell and shout, you must first login by typing "name Playername Password" (where Playername is an existing player). You can close the telnet connection with "quit". All this can be accomplished by a script. On 24-Apr-2001 Bob Tanner wrote: > What would be very helpful is a set of command line utils for broadcasting > info to the users and shutting the server down. > > Many times I am behind a firewall and cannot get the xclient working. A > command > line util would be helpful so I could tell users I'm upgrading the server. > > -- > Bob Tanner < tanner at real-time.com > | Phone : (952)943-8700 Bye Jochen -- HOST SYSTEM NOT RESPONDING, PROBABLY DOWN. DO YOU WANT TO WAIT? (Y/N) --- eMail jochen at suckfuell.net ----- http://www.suckfuell.net/jochen/ --------