[CF-Devel] Command line utils?

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Tue Apr 24 22:32:30 CDT 2001

Jochen Suckfuell wrote:
      The feature you are looking for is already implemented.
      Try "telnet cfserver 13327". Then type "oldsocketmode". You can now issue the
      commands hiscore, logs, maps, motd, players, version, who.
      To be allowed to use tell and shout, you must first login by typing "name
      Playername Password" (where Playername is an existing player).
      You can close the telnet connection with "quit". All this can be accomplished
      by a script.
 Current, crossfire does try to cleanup when it gets a sighup signal (ie, save
players).  But I think it will still do less cleanup than a shutdown would.  I
think the main difference is that while sighup will save all the players, it
won't save any maps the players are currently in.  This is only of relevance if
RECYCLE_TEMP_MAPS is being used - if you don't use that, there is no difference.

 Now it wouldn't be too hard to make it so that if it gets sigusr1, it calls
shutdown (or does a shutdown like thing), and then flush the maps out.  If
people think this is desirable, let me know and I'll see about doing it.


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