[CF-Devel] BUG - Cult and Pet Monsters

gros gros at magellan.fpms.ac.be
Thu Apr 26 07:53:31 CDT 2001

Le Jeudi 26 Avril 2001 01:20, vous avez écrit :
      gros wrote:
      > The server crashes when you enter the Magical Shop of Scorn with too many
      > followers (pet/cult monsters).
       What version, and how many pet monsters are we talking about (5? 10? 20?) 
      too many is a broad definition.
The version command returns version number 0.98.0.

Further tests show that only two pet monsters is sufficient.
I'm sorry if my definition was too broad, but I didn't had time to 
extensively test for the bug when it was first discovered - I was sure you 
would be able to proceed such a simple test by yourself.

Commander Gros
Ad Dwarvam Aeternam !


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