[CF-Devel] Broken changing of gods in 0.98.0

Peter Mardahl peterm at tonks.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Apr 27 14:01:47 CDT 2001

      I have found another bug in the 0.98.0 release of Crossfire server.
      I had a player who worship Valriel. It has no wizdom experience although
      it has overal level of 8. It seems that it is imposible to gain any
      wizdom level with this god. So I tried to change it to Mostrai. 
You need to use holy word on undead or demons.  Valriel's holy word
ONLY works on undead and demons.  Mostrai's holy word works on
goblins and giants.  Other Gods have different powers, and ways of
advancement, though a good general rule is "use holy word on undead":
this works for the majority of religions.

      When the player prayed over altar of Mostrai it was "bathed in Mostrai
      aura". It was even able to kill some monsters (goblins) with "holy
      word". But the second time I wanted to use this prayer I got "you need
      to worship some god" message. When I typed "'skills" to se what is
There was some bug with changing religions that got fixed.
Update past .98.  The current CVS is way more stable than .98.
(Or wait a little while for 1.0)

Development is aiming at stability and bugfixes above all else right now.

      I am still not using CVS version, as I treat it as experimental and it
      may be harder to package (I don't want to change my working, carfuly
      packaged server, into not-FHS-copatible, not-sure-if-works one).
The current CVS has many fixes not present in .98, and little new
stuff which might have bugs.

However, Mark's mentioned that he wants to release 1.0 in a very short
time.  1.0 should have significantly fewer bugs and should be much
more stable.

Perhaps you can simply wait.



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