Hi, I have found another bug in the 0.98.0 release of Crossfire server. I had a player who worship Valriel. It has no wizdom experience although it has overal level of 8. It seems that it is imposible to gain any wizdom level with this god. So I tried to change it to Mostrai. When the player prayed over altar of Mostrai it was "bathed in Mostrai aura". It was even able to kill some monsters (goblins) with "holy word". But the second time I wanted to use this prayer I got "you need to worship some god" message. When I typed "'skills" to se what is happening the server died. After restarting server I tried it again, but just after praying over (and changing the god) altar I have left the game and entered the game. After entering the game again the player didn't worship any god (neither Valriel or Mostrai) so I made him pray over Mostrai altar again. Since then the player worship Mostrai as it should, but something strange happened to his experience: it got experience in all categories equal. Overal experience was as before, but the player had 6 level in all categories (including those he had no experience at all). I am not feeling quite fear after getting experience in wisdom and personality in a such easy way. And I wouldn't like someone else to kill my server. I am still not using CVS version, as I treat it as experimental and it may be harder to package (I don't want to change my working, carfuly packaged server, into not-FHS-copatible, not-sure-if-works one). And please not treat this report as request to leave everything else and fix this bug. I just would like to help. Greets, Jacek