[CF List] Suggestion: improved communication in the client

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Thu Apr 26 16:33:38 CDT 2001

Jasper Jongmans wrote:
      I have a few suggestions that I would like to make communication with other
      players nicer (in my opinion).
      * Local echo of things you 'tell
      Pros: this makes a conversation easier (i.e., you wont forget to what
      question a certain answer was)
      Cons: more lines in the logwindow
      * Seperate log_window/communication_window
      Pros: you can keep on talking even if someone/something causes alot of lines
      in the log window
      Cons: you will need to monitor two windows for possible interesting activity
      Note: I would like it if the communication window also contains a list of
      logged in users and existing parties that you can go into ``query'' with
      (similar to IRC)
      * Client side choosing of colours for certain events (without having to
      touch the source)
      Pros: you can easily seperate things that are said/told/shouted/other_stuff
      Cons: it will turn your log window into a christmas tree (some people will
      find this a pro)
how about supressing duplicate messages (e.g., "you pray...")? 
i don't know how many times i've lost useful info as it scrolls
off the screen while i'm praying at hight speed.  ditto for 
"you hit the blah with your blah".

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
     lembark at wrkhors.com


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