[CF-Devel] howto for map-making

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Tue Feb 6 07:00:52 CST 2001

      I've just started writing a tutorial on how to make maps (with
This is a great idea, we are in bad need for better tutorials.
(We are also in need for a better map-editor, but that is another
story ;) )

      If you have ideas, suggestions, know any tricks, have hints, etc. I
      would be glad if you would send them to me
I worked on large parts of the pupland maps. Think I know quite the
tricks... =)
Currently, I'm a bit stuffed working for some exams, but in about
a week I would be glad to help.
For a long time I've planned to write a tutorial on proper usage of
all those freakin object-attributes. Maybe I finally get around
doing this. =P

Andreas V.


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