[CF-Devel] Bug: show invisible and burning items

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Sun Jan 21 17:03:41 CST 2001

      I played today the shining finger quest.
      In pupland/s_f/st3 is a invisible door to
      a secret part.
(The map in the ancient ruins (red islands underground) with
all the dark angels on it, and kabuto of geisha.)

      I had some fight to do, and after it i cast show inv
      to unhide to door.
      But only the "flash" comes out at the map point where the door is,
      but the door don't appear.
True, this happens. It is more a map bug I think.
Items with flag "invisible 1" become visible on show-inv,
so do items placed under the map-floor.
The hidden oakdoor in "s_f/st3" is BOTH under the floor and
"invisible 1". In this case show-inv. fails, and that is
intentional (There must be some means of hiding stuff
from all too curious players).

This map is the only place I know of with a "bug" of this
kind. And the hidden exit isn't even needed, it's crap.
It could be removed, together with the map behind that exit.

      Also, on the map stay artifact rests of burning items.
      Also, when i logout and in, i got items on the map you cant access they
      shown as a flame of the burning item animation and are called burning
      Seems, here is same map handling code broken.
What??!! I've never seen anything like this, not on the
map mentioned above, nor anywhere else.

      How show invisible works? Should it not unhide all invisible ?
      When not, it should, its a pain like in maps for pupland where whole sets
      work with it.
      I don't want enter a map x times, because i have a random in the show
      invisible code.
No, don't worry. This doesn't happen anywhere else to my knowing.

However, a short note on show-invisible:
While making maps I realized that we need a (simple and clean) way to
mark any given object both as "invisible" and "not affectable by show-inv".

Typical example: I want to make an invisible teleporter, it has to be
on top of the map-floor, but I don't want the player to discover it
via sho-inv. Currently this is not possible (except for one dirty

Andreas V.


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