[CF-Devel] FW: hi guys

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Fri Jul 13 23:10:12 CDT 2001

I had written the wyvern guys and got this asap back.
Hope, this will give us all some good influence ...

Because as i quick play it, they have included some ideas
we talked long about.

Wyvern has the "user oriented" focus which Cf has not -
and which the great weakness of CF is.


      -----Original Message-----
      From: Steve Yegge [mailto:
      stevey at cabochon.com
      Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 5:53 AM
      michael.toennies at nord-com.net
      Subject: Re: hi guys
      Hi Michael,
      Thank you for your feedback.  I agree 100% with you that I should
      have given the Crossfire team credit for much inspiration, and
      in response to your email, I have spent the past 2 hours writing
      a document about it on my website:
      I encourage you to read it, and to forward it to the Crossfire
      development team.  I apologize for not having done this before.
      I take minor offense to labeling Wyvern as a "clone", and I have
      spent a good deal of effort in my document explaining why.  I hope
      you (and they) take the time to read what I have written.
      I think it's very cool that you've written clients for a bunch
      of new platforms, since I always felt it was a shame that
      Crossfire was only available on X when I used to play it.  I 
      hope that Crossfire enjoys great success in the future.  There
      is plenty of room in the internet gaming space for lots of 
      games in this genre.
      Thanks again for writing.  I hope you will be kind enough to
      forward my URL to the Crossfire development team, and I look
      forward to hearing their feedback about it.
      Best regards,
      Michael Toennies writes:
       > Hi
       > Iam Michael Toennies from the Crossfire dev team.
       > I got a look at your game and i was somewhat suprised because
       > its a nice crossfire clone.
       > You have done some great work! New ideas and so on!
       > Nice.
       > Well, what a bit sad is, that you don't give a single note to 
       > Like "inspired by crossfire" or something.
       > Notice, that the crossfire guys (i speak about mark wedel 
      which has now the
       > copyright stuff) are very friendly.
       > So, even if you plan to go commercial, there should be no problem.
       > But i really just wonder, you guys don't even make a small not 
      about it.
       > Remember, that some gfx ideas etc. are from outside guys. When 
      one of this
       > is pissed
       > about "to close" same gfx...
       > You players get a bit pissed as i call your game a crossfire 
      clone, so thats
       > not the way
       > this should go.
       > I really love to see, how we can make there a better notice about the
       > others.
       > And perhaps there is more than only notice. Many crossfire guys hasn't
       > problems
       > to share ideas or code/work woth others...
       > Notice, that iam not direct from server team.
       > Iam the guy who coded the DirectX client, ported the server to 
      win32 and now
       > i had ported
       > the game to true ISO style and nearly finished a SDL client, 
      which will let
       > crossfire run
       > under several OS with same client... and alpha blending etc. 
      will no problem
       > (i got 55 fps
       > under windowed mode with a p500 yet).
       > So, i know the problems with this old die hard linux server 
      guys... Same
       > really hate me
       > because i opend CF to windows worlds... and i really thought 
      about making a
       > WinCrossfire...
       > Well, but i found it better to invade them, instead of split. :)
       > Michael

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