Neato idea, and rather easy to implement. Exactly where do you intend to use this information though? for the 'list command? for the highscores? While on this point, I notice you no longer get the amount of exp you have lost on a gravestone or who killed you (I think). Anyone know why that is? dnh On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Michael Toennies wrote: > For the new client i want change the current title/name/race naming. > > At the moment you got as title a string like "Player: Darkmoon the xxx" > Where you can set > xx with the title cmd. > > I want this: > > Lord Darkmooon > Dwarf Paladin of Light > > Here is > > Lord = Title & Gender > Darkmoon = Name > Dwarf = race > Paladin of Light = Profession > > The Title is used as gender information too! You start as "Sir" or "Lady" > and when you go higher in > Rank, it is shown here. The highest Title is shown. > > Name & Race are known. > > Profession is used for the new guild system. At moment we have a wizard or > paladin or thief here. > Here is the last/highest profession shown the character has achived. > > This needs the addition of gender information, which is easy (i like the > different gender chars > in wyvern for example). > > The 2 strings above which holds all this information are easy and gives a > maximum information > with minimum of chars. > > _______________________________________________ > crossfire-devel mailing list > crossfire-devel at > >