[CF-Devel] iso client - snapshot

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Wed Jul 25 13:43:05 CDT 2001


A new snapshot from the iso client.


You see the skin and the iso start map.

I included as player information in the left upper area
the player name with same info.

Its like
Rank (with Information) / Name
Race / Profession (and/or highest guild title)
level / experience

Also, you see in the text windows key word marking.

a draw_info text is searched for '&'. Every string part will be shown
in a different color until a white space.

This means you change a "ask me about the guildmaster" to
"ask me about the &guildmaster" and guildmaster will be marked. You can
use it, but you don't must.

Also, right side you see a picture, invoked by a media tag included in a
draw_info text of a magic mouth. With the text, you got a info. its like
"§picture.png|0|0 /n ask me about the guildmaster".
The, the client search the draw_info text for the media tag, cut it of and
to load the picture from media folder. Is it not there, nothing happens -
you still
got the text.

You must download the media files seperate, its not submited by server nor
part of CF
itself. It is user installed and so we can also use copyright stuff. We
don't change the
pictures in any way (except scale them). Well, of course this is used quest
maker can include
stuff, iam sure this is interesting for artists.

Well, some other stuff is shown, the client is yet full usable.

What i need is a drawn inventory doll like in this skin from David Gervais.


Well, our skin locks pretty similiar, but thas because the kind of program
is very
similiar too and i use his tiles.

Notice, that i need at last 14 slots for items! All should be 32x32, so
there is no much space.

I need an artist for it, so come on guys!



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