> > I found that cause black death followed the PATH_NULL. > > > > Is this only to avoid to make them avaible from books? > > All other cause spells are from _WOUNDING > > Being available from books has nothing to do with the spellpath. > there is > actually a field in the spell structure that determines books > chance, anothe > that determines scroll chance, another that determines > wand/rod/staff chance. > > Now I'm not sure why this particular spell would be path_null instead of > path_wounding. > > > Perhaps we can remove the PATH_NULL spells and add them to > > other pathes? > > > > We can use one "normal" path as "default" path where we add > > levitate and others. > > > > This path should be never forbidden through items or other effects. > > > > This will make the path thing much clearer. > > Why? consider path_null the same as path_none or path_misc. If > you make a new > path and then make it so that no items affect the path, how is that any > different than just using the current path_null we have now. I > have a feeling > that if you do make it a real path, you'll find someone down the > road making a > map or artifact that does change that path in some regard. > > If the spell doesn't need a path, then path_null works just > fine. I'm just > missing the point of what you are trying to fix/improve here. If > given the > choice, making no change vs making changes with no discernible > effect, I'll > choose the no change option every time. Eh sorry, the reason why i want remove it don't come up with my mail and you don't wear a helm of telepathy in real life. ;) Simple: we had 20 named pathes + this path _NULL. The only reason why _NULL is there is that it can be denied or mnaipulated, right? Well, the spell list i create use '1' - '0' to jump to a page and i put then 2 spell pathes on it. The 21st path _NULL don't fit in this. Is just a question of "good design". Why not put the spells in other pathes? And just make one path as forbidden for manipulations. It was just that it was somewhat of confusing because PATH_NULL don'T fit in the the path system. At the moment, i had put the 20 pathes to 1-9 using 7 times 2 pathes and 2 times 4 pathes per page and give page 0 the NULL spells.