[CF-Devel] CVS: client CHANGES,1.38,1.39 cfsndserv.c,1.4,1.5

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Wed Mar 7 23:25:11 CST 2001

Andreas Vogl wrote:
      Mark W. wrote:
      > > The cfclient now compiles (and runs) on my SuSE system. However, I
      > > had to install the alsa dev. package in order to make it work.
      > > So I think this "--disable-sound" compile option could still be
      > > very useful.
      > >
      > > Could either Mark or Quisar fix up the disable-sound patch so that
      > > it is acceptable for cvs checkin?
      > Can you define 'make it work?'  Does that mean you just don't get sound
      > output, or it doesn't compile until you add that, or what?
      Cfclient didn't compile before I installed the alsa dev. package,
      due to some missing header files. Now it does compile and install
      properly. For some reason I still don't get sound output, but hey...
 Very possible there are bugs in the implementation I did.  The documentation
for the ALSA sound system is far from complete, and I have no convenient way to
test to make sure it actually does play sound.

 It will probably take someone who uses the ALSA sound system to decide to get
this working.


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