I've copied the list on this, as I believe some people can provide more input than I can - I know peter has done a lot of spells. Michael Toennies wrote: > Transferrence do some odd things - nothing or it invoke flames to all sides. > How it works and what do it? > Tranferance transfers some of your spell points to someone else. So you have to cast it on another player. > "earth to dust" destroys (or damages) earthwalls. Not sure if it has any effect on weak walls or not - it probably does. > "wonder" Random effect, typically none useful. I don't think this is ever a player available spell, and is instead just used for the wand of wonder, with some similar effects as the original D&D item. > "poison fog" Creates a fog that poison people as they enter. I believe the fog slowly moves around. > "rune of transferrence" Like the transferance spell above, but in rune form (someone steps on it and gets the sp) > "transferrence" As described above. > "magic drain" Believe it drains sp from the opponent, probably giving them to the caster. > "mana blast" > "large manaball" > "mana bolt" I believe this is cone, ball, and bolt spell affectively (similar to the fire/snow spells). With it being mana, it means it only attacks with magical attack type. > "aggravation" I believe this is not givable to players. Basically makes monsters more upset, if thats really possible (as monsters by default are not happy with players). Used for a horn effect I believe. > "charging" should only be found in scroll form. Used to re-charge wands (ie, have a wand with 1 charge, use the scroll, it will now have 10-20). > "fairy fire" Not sure. If based on the AD&D form, it probably makes an opposing creature glow with light. > > difference of "invisible" and "improved invisibility" The difference should be that with invisibility, once you attack or do something aggressive, the spell ends. With improved, you can pretty much do whatever you want. I'm cutting and pasting entries from his complete list - I'm just adding the ones which I have additions for: "dragonbreath" w e 1 si_019.png "A large cone of fire which mimics a dragon's breath." "Burning hands actually works better. " What may not be clear from the description is that dragon's breath is non magical, while burning hands is magical. This means if you meet a magic immune creature, burning hands has no effect while dragon breath will still do something. "comet" w x 2 si_004.png "This is a very strong attack spell. Used like a fireball, it inflicts more and special damage." "The comet does also damage when the target is immune to fire and physical damage." "Use it when all else fails. However, keep in mind, it may take a great many " "comets to bring down a strong monster. " The comment as fired out will hit with physical damage (and quite a bit of it), but the fire itself is otherwise similar to fireball I believe. Wall spells: I thought most of them can create a row of walls through some mechanism, making them even more useful. "wall of thorns" p k 3 si_059.png "This special prayer invokes a blocking wall." " " " " " " I recall that this isn't actually a blocking wall, but a wall that causes damage as creatures move over it/stand on it. IT can be used somewhat effectively since most monsters are stupid and will continue to stand on it if that is the way to get to the player "cure disease" p n 4 si_081.png " This prayer cures *one* disease from your character." Should remove all diseases from the character. This was changed a few revs ago to do that instead of just one disease. "raise dead" "resurrection" "reincarnation" " This spell only works for servers with Perm. Death on." Note these spells will only show up if Permanent death is on. Otherwise, players will never see them. "identify" w k 5 si_098.png " This spell identifies all items in your inventory." Identifies some items in your inventory - typically from 3-10, depending on caster level. Higher level = more items identified. "xray" w p 5 si_101.png "This spell allows the caster to see through one layer of wall... for a while. " Not precisely correct - the amount of wall doesn't matter - basically, some area around the players line of sight is cleared. I think for right now, this always amount to basically a 3x3 area, which means you can see if a wall is 2 spaces thick. "dimension door" w h 6 si_112.png "This spell teleports you on map in direction you look to a near spot." "You can teleport through *some* walls and gates too." "Hidden antimagic spots will break your teleporting. So you need to try it out." "Using Create Walls will invoke barriers to stop you on special points." Actually, if you don't use invoke and instead use the fire syntax, you will go whatever direction your fire. The spell is currently less useful than it once was, because the 'count' is currently not sent to the server with fire commands. In the old days, you could do something like '10 fire north' and go exactly 10 spaces north. the code in the server is still there - its just a matter of updating the client to send the count.