------- Forwarded Message To: Mark Wedel < mwedel at scruz.net > Subject: Re: [CF-Devel] Re: spells In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:33:52 PST." < 3AB553F0.38C85FDF at scruz.net > Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 21:05:19 -0800 From: Peter Mardahl < peterm at alfven.EECS.Berkeley.EDU > > Michael Toennies wrote: > > Transferrence do some odd things - nothing or it invoke flames to all sides > . > > How it works and what do it? > > > > Tranferance transfers some of your spell points to someone else. So you hav > e > to cast it on another player. Mark is correct, as far as he went. Transferring TOO much mana into a person can drive him insane and then make his head explode into an enormous fireball. "too much" is some amount greater than his natural capacity. > > "earth to dust" > > destroys (or damages) earthwalls. Not sure if it has any effect on weak wal > or not - it probably does. It destroys earthwalls, doesn't damage them, I think. > > "poison fog" > > Creates a fog that poison people as they enter. I believe the fog slowly mo > ves > around. Oops. I should have done this one. Poison fog: This special prayer of gnarg summons a cloud of poisonous vapors which pursues and poisons enemies of the player. > > "magic drain" > > Believe it drains sp from the opponent, probably giving them to the caster. Yes, just like the rune of magic drain. In fact, this spell is used in the rune. You could use the magic drain spell to suck the power from an enemy. > > "fairy fire" > > Not sure. If based on the AD&D form, it probably makes an opposing creature > glow with light. Yeah, I never figured out this spell either. From my read of the scroll I get the impression it's supposed to act a little bit like the immolation special ability of Ruggilli. > "dragonbreath" > w e 1 si_019.png > "A large cone of fire which mimics a dragon's breath." > "Burning hands actually works better. " > > What may not be clear from the description is that dragon's breath is non > magical, while burning hands is magical. This means if you meet a magic immu > ne > creature, burning hands has no effect while dragon breath will still do > something. I won't swear to it, but I believe that Mark is incorrect here. Dragon breath--when cast by a dragon, does NOT use magic. When cast by a player, I *believe* that there is code which ADDs the magic attacktype to this spell! > "comet" > w x 2 si_004.png > "This is a very strong attack spell. Used like a fireball, it inflicts more > and > special damage." > "The comet does also damage when the target is immune to fire and physical > damage." > "Use it when all else fails. However, keep in mind, it may take a great many > " > "comets to bring down a strong monster. " > The comment as fired out will hit with physical damage (and quite a bit of it > ), > but the fire itself is otherwise similar to fireball I believe. Well, unless someone changed it, comet attacks with WEAPONMAGIC! for the direct strike. The FIRE is FIRE + MAGIC, so monsters might be immune to the secondary effect, but not the primary hit. > "cure disease" > p n 4 si_081.png > " This prayer cures *one* disease from your character." > > Should remove all diseases from the character. This was changed a few revs > to do that instead of just one disease. Mark is correct. > "identify" > w k 5 si_098.png > " This spell identifies all items in your inventory." > > Identifies some items in your inventory - typically from 3-10, depending on > caster level. Higher level = more items identified. Mark is correct. > "xray" > w p 5 si_101.png > "This spell allows the caster to see through one layer of wall... for a whil > e. > " > > Not precisely correct - the amount of wall doesn't matter - basically, some > area around the players line of sight is cleared. I think for right now, thi > s > always amount to basically a 3x3 area, which means you can see if a wall is 2 > spaces thick. Well, so he can see through "one" layer of wall but if there are "two" layers of wall, all he'll see is wall. I think the description is reasonably clear. :) (I wrote that one for MT) PeterM ------- End of Forwarded Message