Hi i create this ring for testing. arch ring_nodrain name ring of Minor Immunity x 22 y 22 immune 8191 see_invisible 1 end Examine will bring the correct name/resistance (xx+100) but if you try to apply this ring, server crashes with SIGSEGV. There is no other msg in the log. Invisible (was broken, has it fixed) Is Invisible back in game? Works the difference between invisible and impr. invisible? Give the ring of ruling invisibility like it should do? Btw, if the ring of ruling gives invisibility, should player not invisible to others? curse Invoke curse curses only the caster, not others. Oratory Using or Oratory on the 2 elves in scorn tavern will work 100% if you have exp. 0 . So, make a paladin, go to the 2 elves in tavern and oratory them - will work 100%. But if you make some level in personalty then, it will not work very well when you are level 5 or 6 for example.