[CF-Devel] map-making mailing list

Joel South joel at prninfo.com
Sun Mar 25 10:16:57 CST 2001

      What would you think of a new mailing list for map-makers?
      philc at theunixplace.com
       I think that might be a fairly good idea if there are enough mapmakers. It
would be useful,such as if the map-maker wants to put an artifact as a
reward for his quest. He will need to know what would fit in and not upset
the balance. Also a mapmaker might have some questions about certain
mechanisms or how to use the editor,although the new tutorial by AV kind of
takes care of how to use the editor. 
 With a mailing list for map makers,map-makers will more easily know what
is needed and what will fit in with the crossfire world. 



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