[CF-Devel] devourers

gros gros at magellan.fpms.ac.be
Wed May 9 08:25:56 CDT 2001

Le Mercredi  9 Mai 2001 03:01, vous avez écrit :
      > void update_priest_flag (object *god, object *exp_ob, uint32 flag) {
      >     if(QUERY_FLAG(god,flag)&&!QUERY_FLAG(exp_ob,flag))
      >         SET_FLAG(exp_ob,flag);
      >     else if(QUERY_FLAG(exp_ob,flag)&&!QUERY_FLAG(god,flag))
      >     {
      >         if (!(QUERY_FLAG(arch_to_object(exp_ob->arch),flag)))
      >                 CLEAR_FLAG(exp_ob,flag);
      >     };
      > }
       Err, arch_to_object should not be used, as that ends up creating a nice
      memory leak (one for each functiion call).
       What you really want to be doing is something like:
      if (!(QUERY_FLAG(exp_ob->arch->clone,flag)))
The correct patch is then:

void update_priest_flag (object *god, object *exp_ob, uint32 flag) {

    else if(QUERY_FLAG(exp_ob,flag)&&!QUERY_FLAG(god,flag))
        if (!(QUERY_FLAG(&(exp_ob->arch->clone),flag)))

       Theres already enough memory leaks out there - we don't want to be adding
True. Sorry for forgetting I was in C and not in Java.

Commander Gros
Ad Dwarvam Aeternam !


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