[CF-Devel] Graphics & Derivative version

Bob Tanner tanner at real-time.com
Fri May 18 16:26:32 CDT 2001

Quoting Mark Wedel (
     mwedel at scruznet.com
       Tyler Van Gorder brought up to me that the appears to be a somewhat derived
      version of crossfire out there at 
        Since its in
      java, and a quick glance makes it appear a bit different, I don't personally
      think there is much to be done about it under the GPL (I've never been
      one for much on look and feel, and to me that is probably the biggest
Screenshots LOOK like cfclient! :-)

The Map Editor looks great! But my personal xp with swing in java is that is
sucks. :-) But I digress. If this guy can make a world editor in java/swing, it
at least let me know that a new crossedit could be done in java.

Bob Tanner <
     tanner at real-time.com
     >       | Phone : (952)943-8700
                      | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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