[CF-Devel] FW: Crossfire has released version 1.0

Bob Tanner tanner at real-time.com
Sun May 20 14:59:30 CDT 2001

Quoting Michael Toennies (
     michael.toennies at nord-com.net
      This is the guy of this site:
      As you can see here

      Tanners, will you handle this guy?
      You know better which links are good or not.
Sure, I'll volunteer to be crossfire's PR officer(?). Between Leaf and myself we
can handle the PR of crossfire.

How about a list of sites that CF should be listed on?



Bob Tanner <
     tanner at real-time.com
     >       | Phone : (952)943-8700
                      | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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