[CF-Devel] It is time to get rid of xpms and xbms

Peter Mardahl peterm at tonks.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Wed May 23 11:53:16 CDT 2001

We can't make everyone happy.

Having the xpms and xbms triples the burden on artists
adding new things.  It's one of the reasons crossfire
has been relatively static.

Can you round up people who play on laptops to do
a laptop crossfire graphics project?


      On Tue, 22 May 2001 20:54:21 Peter Mardahl wrote:
      > Both the standard png set and the alternate png set
      > are ready now.
      > The xpm set has been merged into the alternate set in
      > large part.
      > There's no longer any reason to keep these older formats
      > around.  They increase the overhead to adding new art
      > needlessly.
      > PeterM
      > _______________________________________________
      > crossfire-devel mailing list
      crossfire-devel at lists.real-time.com
      Um, I have to disagree, unless the alternate pngs are smaller than the
      standard ones.  My laptop only has an 800x600 LCD and the crossfire client
      *barely* fits in that with the xpm set (i had to modify the code to allow
      resizing just to get it to fit at all) So unless someone creates a png set
      that the tiles are the size of the xpm tiles, then I think the xpm tiles
      are still needed.  Unless someone wants to write a new client that somehow
      fits in 800x600 with the png set :)
      -- --
      Reeve the cat
      ----BEGIN FORTUNE----
      Whenever people agree with me, I always think I must be wrong.
      - Oscar Wilde
      ----END FORTUNE----
      -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
      Version: 3.12
      GCS d? s: a? C++++ UL++++ P+ L++++ E- W++ N o K- w--- 
      O M-- V-- PS+++ PE Y PGP t+++ 5 X+ R+++ tv+ b+++ DI++ D+ 
      G e* h-- r+++ y** 
      ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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