[CF-Devel] unix iso client

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Wed May 23 10:05:10 CDT 2001

Ok here is the deal.

I had not coded a iso unix test client yet, but its simple

All what you have to do is to load this zip


This includes data to setup dx client and unix client for iso.

For the dx client simply copy all this stuff in a dx client installation
of v 1.20 client (make a backup forst, silly).

In the map folder is the HallOfSelection and a test1 map. Ifyou had access
to a server,
copy this in the map folder over the original HallOfSelection (backup,

Now start and create a new char... viola.

For the unix client, one must change the map coding.

The map has a different space, so you must handle with the map windows.

You must include the gfx folder tiles so, that they overrule the server send

In the system folder is a background is use (original from David Gervais),
but you
don't must use this yet.

Change the map printing core of the unix client to this!

#define MAX_MAP_XLEN 11
#define MAX_MAP_YLEN 11

#define MAP_TILE_OFFSET_Y 27

#define MAP_XSTART 373
#define MAP_YSTART 283

		// This calc you the right diamond shape positions
		// MAP_X/YSTART are for the DG iso screen skin, change it when needed
		xpos = MAP_XSTART+x*26-y*26;
		ypos = MAP_YSTART+x*13+y*13;

		ylen = <Get_Length_of_Sprite>; // You must get the Y-length of the sprite
you blt

		// this is the easy but tricky part: you use the left bottom edge as blt
		if(ylen > MAP_TILE_OFFSET_Y)
			ypos -= ylen-MAP_TILE_OFFSET_Y;


Thats all. No other changes yet.



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