[CF-Devel] uhh ohh

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Thu Nov 8 23:36:29 CST 2001

David Hurst wrote:
      Messages haven't been getting logged because:
      Cannot open file /cvsroot/crossfire/CVSROOT/commitlog for append.
      This is a big problem, I have commited a few small patches or late (fixed avatars, fixed some typos etc). I don't know what everyone else has been doing but I have no way of checking cause there aren't any logs. CHAOS!
      this reminds me of a classic goodies episode...
      Panic, Panic, Panic all over the place. I'm a teapot! I'm a teapot!
 This should be fixed - I can't easily confirm it since it always worked for me
(not positive why it would for me but not others - must be an ownership thing on
the server).  For now, I've just removed it from adding to the commitlog, since
that wasn't really being used anyways, and it will still generate mail messages
even without writing to that file (or so the docs suggest).


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