[CF-Devel] GTK client

Scott Barnes reeve at ductape.net
Mon Nov 26 10:10:17 CST 2001

On 2001.11.25 19:24 David Hurst wrote:
      On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 11:55:43AM -0500, Scott Barnes wrote:
      > On 2001.11.25 09:39 David Hurst wrote:
      > >> What font are you using?
      > >Good question after asking around, no one seems to know how to
      > >the default font =(.
      > If you use GTK themes, they can change the font.
      > And of course Gnome's theme-selector offers a nice GUI way to change
      > it if you use Gnome or at least have the Gnome libs.
      Ok I think I have changed it to 'clean'
The 'Clean' GTK theme or the 'clean' font?

      > >Are you using libgdkxft?
      > >No I just apted it then (libgdkxft0)
      What is the benefit of libgdkxft?
Anti-aliasing.  I asked because it overrides GTK's normal font routines.

      > >What version of GTK
      > >1.2.10
      > Ah, Debian :)  That's exactly what I'm using.
      A wonderful dist no? =))
I don't know how I ever lived without it.

      > I'm welcome to feature requests.
      ahhh goody =).
      What abou some way to show more resistances like the gnome client?
      Currently it stopps at 6 or so, but as mentioned my monitor can
      certainly show alot more than that np =).
I was actually thinking of doing that soon :)

      > >pop into #crossfire and have a chat sometime wont you =)
      > I haven't been on IRC for quite a while, but I've been meaning to :)
      Ahhh well here is where your problem lies ;). You have to come and
      visit us =).
Yeah, next time I have a chance I'll be there.

Reeve the cat
Women reason with the heart and are much less often wrong than men who
reason with the head.
		-- DeLescure
------END FORTUNE------
Version: 3.12
GCS d? s: a? C++++ UL++++ P+ L++++ E- W++ N o K- w--- O M-- V-- PS+++ 
PE Y PGP t+++ 5 X+ R+++ tv+ b+++ DI++ D+ G e* h-- r+++ y** ------END 


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