[CF-Devel] arch commands npc

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Mon Nov 26 14:07:12 CST 2001

Advanced Flag Description NPCs

friendly <bool>          : O. is a friendly O. and will not attack the
                           Non friendly or neutral monsters will attack this

neutral <bool>           : O. will not attack and will not attacked by

unaggressive <bool>      : O. will not start attacking when not attacked

sleep <bool>             : O. is sleeping

stand_still <bool>       : O. will not move and can't be moved or pushed.

no_attack <bool>         : O. can't attack even when other O. attacks.

no_damage <bool>         : O. don't get any damage or die = invulnerable.

only_attack <bool>       : The O. will vanish (die) when it can't target
                           This is funny and useful to flag a special kind
of summoned monster,
                           which will vanish until it has killed his foe.

one_hit <bool>           : The O. has only one attack, after this attack it
will be destroyed.
                           This is used for example for "explosive" monsters
like acid spheres.

hitback <bool>           : Monster attacks automatically back when they got
hit by a attack. Good
                           example is the acid sphere. If a player hit it,
they get cut and splashed
                           him with acid. For the acid sphere, there is also
a <one_hit 1> added to
                           the <hitback 1> to be sure that they got
destroyed with this action.

no_strength <bool>       : Player: Adding O. strength bonus to the arrow
damage of a range weapon.
                           NPC: Adding the O. level as bonus to the arrow
                           (Both only to the damage, not to the wc like
described elsewhere).

random_move <bool>       : O. will move at random. This will be overruled by

attack_movement <value>  : O. does special moves like attack from distance
or cirlce the enemy.
                           (We need more instruction here)

     none<                   : default monster (will attack players)
     + unaggressive 1         : like above, but will only attack after it was
attacked first

     +sleep 1                 : monster sleeps and will attack when it awakes

     + sleep 1
+ unaggressive 1         : like above, but will only attack after it wake up
when it was attacked first

     + no_attack 1            : Monster will never attack something but will
handled as default monster

     + stand_still 1          : default monster, it will attack but will not move

neutral 1                : monster will not attack players

neutral 1
+ unaggressive 1         : same like above

friendly 1               : friendly npc. Will not attack player. Will be
attacked by default monsters

friendly 1
+ unaggressive 1/0       : same like above (TODO: search & attack default
monster when unag. 0)

friendly 1
+ stand_still 1
+ no_attack 1
+ no_damage 1            : NPC will not attack ever and can't be hurt. Used
for quest NPCs which
                           should not get killed or move away.

Never used cmds:
(this commands are in loader.c and effect monsters but are not used )
random_move (also not parsed)


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