-- Lyle Bergman < lbergman at mninter.net > > Hi all! > Crossfire looks like an excellent game, but I'm running into nothing > but roadblocks trying to get it installed. I'm a bit of a linux newbe; > please bear with me. > > I'm running Red Hat linux 7.1 and want to play crossfire without > connecting to any external server. (So I have to run the server locally, > I believe?) I downloaded the three main tar files > (crossfire-1.0.0.tar.gz, crossfire-client-1.0.0.tar.gz, and > crossfire-maps-1.0.0.tar.gz) and extracted all the files. For the server, > when I try ./configure, I get a message basically saying it can't find > the file. The same happens when I try the client. > > I checked and I have all the GTK libraries installed, however xpm is > nowhere to be found, not even on the installation disks. I downloaded and > attempted to install the xpm library version that was in the old RH 6.1 > version, but got a message saying it conflicted with some other installed > packages (something like XFree86, if memory serves) and refused to > install. Unless xpm was incorprated into another package, it seems XPM > just isn't possible for Red Hat 7.1. I don't know if that's the source of > the problem or not. You can get the xpm libs off of the redhat distribution media. I don't remember which of the RPM's has it. To perfrom an exhaustive search of the RPM's on your media if no other tools are avialable use: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt; cd /mnt/RedHat/RPMS; mkdir /var/tmp/$$; # wherever you put large scratch files. pushd /var/tmp/$$; for file in ~-/*rpm; do echo -e "\n$(baseneme file)\n"; rpm2cpio < $file | cpio -it done 2>&1 | tee rpmlist; This will leave you with a catalog of rpm file names and their contents. less it and search for "libXpm" (notice the capital 'X'). -- Steven Lembark 2930 W. Palmer Workhorse Computing Chicago, IL 60647 +1 800 762 1582